Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Candling at 90 Hours In

I have a confession.  Saturday morning, when my eggs were about 12 hours into incubation, I discovered that my legbar had just laid another egg. Even though my Brinsea Mini Advance has a capacity of 7 eggs (and I was at capacity), I stuck it in there. I wanted to hedge my bets- Crack Baby's shell does actually have a crack in it, and the fridge egg had been sitting in my refrigerator for at least a week, probably 8-9 days. So, I had serious doubts as to their viability. However, I didn't have the heart to take them out, just in case life had begun.  So, I just crammed the 8th egg in there and hoped for the best.

cracked egg at 90 hours incubation
This morning, when they'd been in there at 90 hours and 72 hours, I candled. I could see heartbeats in ALL SEVEN of the legbar eggs!!  My brown egg I'm not seeing as easily, but I'm fairly confident I'm seeing the tell tale veins.  It's a good news/bad news thing. I have to admit that I was kind of hoping for a quitter so that all the eggs would be in the turner properly so I could quit worrying, but on the other hand, I'm thrilled that my fertility rate is that high.

I'll keep candling daily, I think, and if/when something quits, everything will line up nicely.  I have to admit that I'm kind of hoping all eight hatch though.

Here's a bottom view of the cracked egg. The crack is at the bottom (fat part) of the egg. It's not too bad of a crack, but because of the location, I was worried about sealing it up with wax, or nail polish, or elmer's glue, which is the normal fix when an egg cracks. Generally speaking, it's not a great idea to set cracked eggs. Those fixes are intended for candling/hen mishaps that happen during incubation.  You can see the weakened spots because the light goes through the egg very easily.

As a side note, if you are wondering how I candle, I have a tutorial on how it works here.  Photographs were taken with my iPhone 4.