Monday, March 19, 2012

New eggs to set!

This is going to be a definite exercise in patience for me. I picked up eggs today that I'll be setting tomorrow at my son's preschool. I also brought the incubator to the preschool and got it up and running. Even though my brinsea has been totally reliable, I thought I'd let it run overnight there, just to be safe.

I'll set the eggs tomorrow. The kids are out of school the first week of April. The director has agreed to meet me at the school a time or two during that week to add water.

However, because this will be at school, and I'll pretty much only be able to visit during operating hours, my obsessive candling will be impossible.  I'll probably try to candle once, at some point. Maybe while the kids are out of school?

Here's the eggs I bought. The three brown ones are Black Copper Marans. I know they're on the light side for Marans, but I'm ok with it. Three of the very blue ones came from Lavender Ameraucana mothers. They've been separated into breed only pens for about a week and a half. So, the father *could* be a Lavender as well, or it could be mixed with something else.  The green egg (at the top right) came from a Lavender Ameraucana/Black Copper Marans Cross. Not sure who the dad is. Sounds like a really interesting mix to me! It's too bad the picture doesn't do the blue eggs justice. They really are a beautiful pale shade of blue. There's a white egg on the bottom left for comparison, but the colors are all a bit washed out.

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