Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 9- BLRW

Hatching eggs when I have chicks around is much easier. I don't obsess nearly as much, and they're not getting candled anywhere near as often.

Last I'd checked, Navy hadn't developed, but all the others were wiggling around and I thought I'd want to double check on it today when I was adding water.

Navy is still clear. I'll probably toss it today.  I candled Sky, who was right next to it, and it had died too, which was sad. I'd seen Sky wiggling around last time I candled, so that was disappointing too. I should probably toss both now, so that if there is some bacteria, it doesn't spread to the rest.

The other five were all wriggling around, and they're already getting big.

This time, it's a bit like expecting a second child, but very close to the first time. Today I had the idea hit home that in two weeks, I will have 10+/- chickens IN MY HOUSE. With temps in the 20s, there's no way I can have any outside right now. So, all of the "baby gear" will still be in use when I need it again.

I plan to put the older chicks in a big rubbermaid tote in the basement with a good light. Then, the fish tank will be ready for the next batch. I think I'll have to buy a second tote for them though- I don't think the bigger chicks will be ready to go outside til mid-late March. I don't know, we'll see how it goes.

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